
Sustainable development policy agenda for incoming administrations

Sustainable development policy agenda for incoming administrations

Poverty, in all its forms, is a sad and prevalent reality in Nigeria. The issue goes beyond monetary deprivations and lack of productive resources needed for sustainable livelihoods. It encompasses deprivation of fundamental freedoms that the “better offs” in the society often take for granted. Impoverished people are also more vulnerable to the effects of…

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600 400 qowo
Post-election scenario assessment and possible political risks: How businesses can mitigate it

Post-election scenario assessment and possible political risks: How businesses can mitigate it

Nigeria is in an electoral season which encompasses electioneering campaigns, election, post-election and transition periods. The uncertainty that characterizes the season opens the door for predictions and projections by political analysts, think thanks and mainstream media establishments. I was privileged to be the keynote speaker at the GTPro “Conversation Series” that took place on the…

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700 400 qowo